Thursday, 5 April 2018

How to use 'mapr dbshell' to create, insert and query MapRDB-JSON table?


This post discusses the basics of using 'mapr dbshell' to create, insert and query on MapRDB JSON tables.


A. Creating a table

[1] To log in to MapRDBJSON shell, execute the following:
mapr dbshell

[mapr@vm60-155 root]$ mapr dbshell
*                  MapR-DB Shell                   *
* NOTE: This is a shell for JSON table operations. *
Version: 6.0.0-mapr

MapR-DB Shell
maprdb mapr:>

[2] You can use 'create' command to create a MaprDBJSON table from dbshell. 
Let's create a table, say '/tmp/maprdbjsontest'.

maprdb mapr:> create /tmp/maprdbjsontest
Table /tmp/maprdbjsontest created.

B. Inserting data

Now that we have the table created, let's discuss how to insert data to table from dbshell.
Let's say, I have following JSON data to insert:


Use the 'insert' command to insert data to table from dbshell. Generic syntax is as follows:
insert --table <path_to_table> --value '<JSON>'

insert --table /tmp/maprdbjsontest/ --value '{"_id": "1", "label": "person", "confidence": 0.24}'
insert --table /tmp/maprdbjsontest/ --value '{"_id": "2", "label": "person2"}'
insert --table /tmp/maprdbjsontest/ --value '{"_id": "3", "label": "person3", "confidence": 0.54}'
insert --table /tmp/maprdbjsontest/ --value '{"_id": "4", "label": "person4", "confidence": null}'
insert --table /tmp/maprdbjsontest/ --value '{"_id":"5","confidence":1.5,"label":"person5","topleft":{"extra":{"v":50},"x":62,"y":1}}'
insert --table /tmp/maprdbjsontest/ --value '{"_id":"6","confidence":2.5,"label":"person6","topleft":{"extra":{"v":null},"x":62,"y":1}}'
insert --t /tmp/maprdbjsontest/ --v '{"_id":"8","confidence":"null","label":"person6","topleft":{"extra":{"v":null},"x":62,"y":1}}'

As you might have noticed (while inserting the document with _id=8), we can use short for --table and --value as --t and --v correspondingly. 

C. Querying data

Now we will see how to query data.

[1] To scan/see data from a table, you can use 'find' command. 'findbyid' can be used to query a document with a specific id.

To see complete data:

maprdb mapr:> find /tmp/maprdbjsontest/
7 document(s) found.

To limit the number of records fetched, use '--limit'.

maprdb mapr:> find /tmp/maprdbjsontest/ --limit 4
4 document(s) found.

To query a specific document use 'findbyid'

maprdb mapr:> findbyid --t /tmp/maprdbjsontest/ --id 1
1 document(s) found.

[2] To query data which satisfies some condition
We will discuss how to fetch records that match certain conditions.

Case 1: Fetch all the records where confidence value is 0.24.
maprdb mapr:> find /tmp/maprdbjsontest/ --c {"$and":[{"$eq":{"confidence":0.24}}]} --fields confidence,label
1 document(s) found.

Case 2: Fetch all the records where confidence value is not equal to 0.24.
maprdb mapr:> find /tmp/maprdbjsontest/ --c {"$and":[{"$ne":{"confidence":0.24}}]} --fields confidence,label
6 document(s) found.

Case 3: Fetch all the records where confidence value is 0.24 or 1.5.
maprdb mapr:> find /tmp/maprdbjsontest/ --c {"$or":[{"$eq":{"confidence":0.24}},{"$eq":{"confidence":1.5}}]} --fields confidence,label
2 document(s) found.
Case 4: Fetch all the records where confidence value greater than 0.24.
maprdb mapr:> find /tmp/maprdbjsontest/ --c {"$and":[{"$gt":{"confidence":0.24}}]} --fields confidence,label
3 document(s) found.

Case 5: Fetch all the records where confidence value less than 0.26.
maprdb mapr:> find /tmp/maprdbjsontest/ --c {"$and":[{"$lt":{"confidence":0.26}}]} --fields confidence,label
1 document(s) found.

[3] To query data which contains a field value as null

There are two aspects to null here. 
As per JSON standards, null means that the field itself is not existing.
So, to query for documents which do not have a field, we use "$notexists".

maprdb mapr:> find /tmp/maprdbjsontest/ --c '{"$notexists":"confidence"}' --fields confidence,label
1 document(s) found.

Now if you have a field with value as NULL, then to retrieve such records, use "$typeOf" operator.

maprdb mapr:> find /tmp/maprdbjsontest/ --c '{"$typeOf":{"confidence":"null"}}' --fields confidence,label
1 document(s) found.

To query all documents that are not null use "$notTypeOf" operator.

maprdb mapr:> find /tmp/maprdbjsontest/ --c '{"$notTypeOf":{"confidence":"null"}}' --fields confidence,label
6 document(s) found.

Please note that for record with 'person6', the confidence value is string "null" and not null.

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